My dearest little Echo,
You are 9 months old!
-You wave at people when you see them pass by. It's the cutest sight, and makes everyone smile.
-You drink water from a sippy cup, holding it with one or two hands, at will. I haven't figured out whether your intent is to drink the water, or to chew on the nipple, but either way, water flows into your mouth, and you like it.
-You have mastered coming up to standing. You crawl to the kitchen, hang on to my pants, and pull yourself up.
-You might be a world record holder in speed crawling. When you hear Zoe, or see something you like, you zoooom like the wind.
-When I nurse you, if I don't sing, you hit my mouth with your little hand until I do.
-Progress on feeding has been slow. You are not crazy about mushed food, and you don't like finger food with soft texture, like steamed carrots, strawberries, potatoes, or soft anythings. So feeding you isn't easy. You need to be really really hungry to be willing to eat things that suit a toothless mouth. You like hard textures - carrots, apples, cucumbers, cheerios and crackers. You also like bread. When I'm desperate, I resort to plain yogurt, which you really like.
We had your 9-month checkup today. You are fantastic in every way, except that your weight gain slowed down. We assign it to your long lasting congestion, and to your picky eating habits. You've been congested for about a month. We went to the doctor 3 times, but your nose is still stuffy and runny. But things are slowly improving. The beginning was the toughest, and the only way to sleep was sitting up. I'd lean against pillows, and cradle you to sleep on my chest. You got used to the arrangement, and since then, almost every night, you wake up, look around with your usual smile, and climb on my chest, so you can sleep using me as your mattress.
Your specs:
Height: 72cm - 75th percentile
Weight: 7.79kg - about 20th percentile
Head circumference: I don't have the numbers, but your little head has been growing nicely.
Other changes in life:
-I started taking you to a child care facility a few hours a week. I work at the cafe upstairs, while you play downstairs in the kids room. The teachers love you and carry you around/
-Grandmother Nine went back home, and Nonna came to take her place. You like snuggling against her chest when you are tired.