Thursday, May 28, 2015

Eleven Months!

Baby Echo,

We celebrated your 11-month birthday with Zoe's favorite chocolate cupcake and a mini chocolate cheesecake. To watch  your face as you savor the taste of chocolate is priceless.

A few updates on your status:

You are coming up to standing even more easily than before, and looking at us with a meaningful smile, waiting for cheers and applause.

Speaking of applause, you clap your two hands like a master. And of course, look at me with a big smile as you do it. I think you are the happiest baby alive.

When you hear the  word poop, you strain "aaaghh" as if pooping, and we all laugh.

Last week you took the jar of butt paste, you strained "aaaghh," and with your finger, you pretended to smear the paste on your crotch.

When you eat something you like, you say nyam nyam nayam, and with your body language you ask for more.

Your nanny, Faith, keeps you busy with activities - story time at the library, sing-along at the book store, playground fun, exploration of flora and fauna at the Greenlake park. Every visit, she brings a fun toy to play with.

You are super funny and mega cute. Here are a couple of pictures to prove it.

Enjoying the sun and the grass on the way to picking up Zoe from school:

Keeping mama company in the kitchen after a bath:

On a family bike ride during the Memorial Day weekend



Thursday, May 14, 2015

Till work do us part

My dear little Echo,

Last three weeks were a dream, with you, under my finger tips, for huggies, kisses, giggles, walks, runs, and snuggles. As I commute to my new job tomorrow, you'll be on my mind, and I'll be sad. As I commute back home, you'll still  be on my mind - impatient at red lights, angry at people that aren't in a hurry, and desperate to hold you and make you happy.

I've been trying to make the most out of the time we had together. I made Zoe skip school one day, and when she stayed home because she was sick, we all went to the grocery store and rode the Taxi cart. You both were so happy.

I took you to mommy and baby yoga the other day. Last time we were there it was about nine months ago. You were tiny and light as a feather, barely mobile. Every time I'd lift you up, you'd spit. This time you were like a free range chicken, going anywhere you liked, mostly to me, hanging on to my legs as I moved from pose to pose. I lifted you up in sun salutations, and down in forward bends. I wanted us to have one more special adventure before I disappeared for long hours.

I brought out the retired breast pump, since you are still nursing. We practiced with the sippy cup. You were surprised and amused by the familiar and unexpected taste, and looked at me "what is mama boob doing in here?" It's a big relief that you accepted the milk from the cup.

I'll be nursing you early in the morning and then leave you with two sippy cups of mama milk for my absence, and then I'll come back to you. The routine will continue until you turn one, when it's time to ween. Weening is slow, but I think it will be faster than it was with Zoe. We found a great nanny to be with you  two days a week, and nonna will watch you the remaining three. In July, we'll start daycare.

I prepared your breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. I asked Papa to come home at lunch time to spend some time with you, and knowing that he is with you. I'll feel a little better. I hope you lose yourself in play and sleep tomorrow. The weekend is a day away, and it feels far. In a couple of weeks we'll go on vacation, all four of us together.



Monday, May 11, 2015

Little mechanic

Little Echo,

Your dexterity, which we discovered early on, continues to surprise and amuse us.

You watch our hand moves, as we work on the house, in the kitchen, when putting on makeup, you name it, then you demand the item you have been observing us use, and you imitate our motions. That's not too surprising, since it is in the nature of every child to learn through observation and imitation. It is your ability to replicate the motions accurately and successfully that surprises us. You open and close containers, put smaller items in larger ones, and just figure out how things operate and work together, with few observations.

After bath, I rub lotion on your chubby smooth skin - just another excuse to enjoy my baby. A couple of weeks ago, you insisted to take the lotion bottle, and press the pump. I dispensed a small amount on your hands with reluctance, anticipating the mess that will ensue, and the cleaning I'll have to do... But like a pro, you rubbed the lotion on your leg. I dispensed some more on your other hand, and you repeated the action.

I'm very curious to see where your abilities will take you. I'll be proud of you all the way through.

