Thursday, June 18, 2015

My happy first birthday

My magical little love Echo,

Today we celebrated your first year of life, and the happiness you brought along. I worked from home, to pick up your cake and balloons, while your nanny Faith took you on a usual day of adventure and play. As a gift, she got you your own talking ball. She usually brings one that belongs to her grandchildren, and you love playing with it. So now you have your own.

After Faith left, you and I had a little play time of our own, with balloons, and whatever you found to be fun, such as lip balm,

before we headed out to your birthday dinner at Tutta Bella. There, every kid gets a piece of pizza dough to play with, making the place a favorite of Zoe's. Zoe's friend Geniva, her mom and grandparents, along with our all time friend Bill, nonna, nonno, and me were there to celebrate your presence.

A few days prior, I took pictures of my top 3 cakes at the bakery, and asked Zoe's help to pick the best one. She picked a Hello Kitty nature theme, with grass, flowers, sky, an apple tree, and a rainbow. It was the rainbow that sealed the deal for her.

We each had a piece of cake, but you preferred to eat directly from the source, pocking your finger deep into the colorful frosting, and licking it. At some point, you had enough, but you kept poking the frosting, and smearing your cake covered finger on your dress.

Thus came the bib, a little too late.

You skipped a nap during the day, with all the excitement of gifts and balloons, and it was difficult to keep you calm and still for pictures. At home, both you and Zoe stayed up late, playing with the gifts, and carrying the energy and excitement of the special event.

On your birthday, I saw you take 3 forward steps, completely on your own, and 5, without forward move. Faith saw you take 5 steps forward. You are very comfortable on your feet. You and Zoe love each other's company, but when you interrupt her play, and destroy the scenes she set up for her pretend-play, or take away her mommy-Zoe time, she closes her door, politely and diplomatically. You stand behind her door, hand on the knob, eyes desperate to get in.

For the last couple of weeks, you've been saying MAMA clearly, and intentionally, referring to me - MAMA. We love hearing it - especially me.

Your 1 year wellness exam is scheduled for June 23, so update on your growth is to come.

It is hard to believe that exactly a year ago, you became part of our life, and infused it with your beaming smile and fun personality.

I love you,


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Where is Echo?

Dear Baby Echo,

A tiny bird built a nest on one of our hanging flower planters. She worked diligently, digging a hole and flying back and forth with building supplies. I lost count of how many times papa and I went to Home Depot... She laid 3 tiny eggs in the nest, and is keeping them warm. We feel a relief every time we check the nest and see mama bird’s little beak, and tiny head. We read that watering the plants could scare of mama bird and she might leave the nest. So papa will not be watering that planter until the birds are free to fly. I hope mama bird gets as lucky as me, and her babies thrive.

“Where is Echo? Where is Echo?” I heard the worried voices of Papa and noona last week while I was in the changing room upstairs. I stepped out, and there you were, in the bedroom, crawling toward me. You followed me upstairs, quietly climbed the steep, curving stairs, and found me. You’ve been following me upstairs ever since. Someone always keeps an eye on you, including Zoe, just in case you need to be spotted. You are a master stair climber.

Yesterday you took two steps, without help at all! But you threw yourself on the ground to safety, before you took the 3rd step. You have strong legs and you stand in perfect balance, but you seem scared to take steps forward, unless we hold your hand. I think we are very close to walking. All you need is a little daring.

I’m not sure, but I think you are saying “up” sometimes, when you want me to lift you up.

We took our first road trip to Whistler, Canada. A beautiful place, with lake sand mountains, and plenty of family time. You got used to having access to mama 24/7, and when we returned to our normal lives, we had to re-adjust. Mama had to go to work, but you wanted mama and mama wanted you. I love holding you. You give the warmest hugs. We lock our eyes and smile at each other. Your smile is wide and bright. 

You gave us a health scare on the drive back from Canada and the day after. You always had a purple mark on your back, the size of a large blueberry. The doctor said it was likely a birth mark. Sunday morning, when we changed you for the last time before we hit the road back to Seattle, we noticed faint marks on your low back. On the drive back, papa and I were very worried that you had some type of blood disorder that caused you to bruise. Next day, I got a referral for bloodwork and drove you to the lab in Seattle Children’s Hospital. Waiting for results is hateful. I called your doctor 3 times, first to give them a heads up that a report would be sent to them, and so they know to call me right away. The other two calls were to inquire about the results. By the 3rd call they got the report, but not the chance to review. Around 4pm they called me with good news that everything was normal.

Do not scare us anymore.
