Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Farts are funny

My Baby Echo,

The birds that built a nest in our flower basked last year, came back to lay their eggs again. Three baby birds hatched, and are growing under the watchful eyes of mama and  papa birds. They bring food, and take the poop drops away, so the nest is clean. We are waiting for them to fly, so we can remove the dying plants, and plant new ones for the season. We don't want to water the basket, not to get the nest wet, or scare off the parents. I added a couple of laurel branches to shade the sun and hide the nest away from predators.

We love watching the birds grow and move about the nest, open their demanding beaks to gobble the worms, and cozy up to sleep. Lately, you and Zoe have been sleeping all snuggled up in the same bed. We got a bunk bed thinking you would enjoy sleeping in the same room, but lately you've been preferring to be in the same bed. So you sleep together for several hours, and some time during the night, you wake up, and cry for mama, and come upstairs to join us. You occupy so much space that I can barely sleep from that point on. I know it's not going to last forever, so I'm not complaining. I love having you close to me.

Going to bed is still a battle. We went through this with Zoe, for years, and the dame old struggle continues with you. Your friends go to bed at 7:30 - Rena falls asleep by 7:15. No matter what we try, you stay awake, and you want mama right there with you. Papa stays with you, and reads you a book. When its time to sleep, you cry, standing behind the door, until I come in the room. You don't give up.

A few nights a go, I took you to bed. You pointed at the upper level of the bunk bed. So we lay there. Zoe joined us too, under the condition that she would keep quiet. I could tell you had no intention to sleep. We cycled through moments of chatter, my threats to leave if you two aren't quiet, and seconds of silence. You broke one of those seconds with spitting raspberry sounds you make with your mouth. "I'm farting!" "I'm farting!" you declared. We broke in laughter.

A few days later, we were on the couch. I smelled something funky and asked if you pooped. "No," you said. "No poop." "I farted," said Zoe. You looked at me and confirmed: "Ayi farted."

You still call Zoe Ayi. You two were playing at the swings, in the back yard. Zoe got bored, and moved on to another game. You called her "Ayi! Ayi! Sit. Sit," tapping your hand on the seat.

You worry when Zoe cries. You come close "Ayi, Ayi" you cry out, standing right in front of her, concerned, and hug her. She loves your touches.

Every coin has two sides, they say, and it is so true. Every positive trait, has a flip side. You are very independent, and eager to do everything on your own. "Me me me" you say, pointing your cute little finger at yourself. You want to put your pants, shoes, shirts, everything on your own. Wash your hands, wipe your butt, and the list goes on... And you want to put your diapers on your own. It gets frustrating, because we are usually in a hurry, and as great as your fine motor skills are, you are not ready to put your diapers, or your socks on without help. When I take charge, hell breaks loose. Even though it gets frustrating, I still prefer that you want to do all these things by yourself.

You are my happiness. It is so easy to make you happy.

