Monday, September 8, 2014

Your first camping trip

My Dear Echo,

This weekend we went on our first family camping trip. More like a low-cost hotel stay than a union with nature. With Zoe not wanting to hike and getting easily bored, and you spitting so much, going all natural would have been unpleasant. We picked a campground with bathrooms, a pool and a laundromat, about 2 miles outside the "Bavarian" town of Leavenworth, created by non-Bavarian Americans.

Nights in the tent were cold. With one warm sleeping bag and two thermal pads, we took turns as needed, and snuggled tightly to keep each other toasty. Twisting in the narrow bag for nursing required skill which we acquired on the go.

Days were hot... We played games and told stories to entertain your sister Zoe, and longed for the peaceful moment to sit back on the lounge chairs, overlooking the river, and sip a glass of wine. 

We walked down to the river with clear waters ice cold from melted snow and giant round rocks decorating the shores. Zoe dipped her legs, and papa and I went for a quick swim. Next time you will go in as well.

I love holding you and making you smile. 

On the drive back home you cried. I think you are having hard time falling asleep without nursing. So I moved to the back seat and nursed you, hoping that a police car would not drive by. 

Your sister watched a video of a little boy protecting his baby sister. Now she thinks it is her responsibility to protect you. It's very cute to listen to her talk about it. I tell her that it is also your responsibility to protect her.


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