Thursday, November 12, 2015

No no no no and Disneyland!

No no no -
No no no, you say, with a dramatic shake of your little head from left to right. If you don't want to eat something, or you don't want me to put you in the car seat, because you want me to hold you in my arms forever, or anything you don't want right that moment, you say "no!" "No no no no!"

Sometimes you say "no" just to see my reaction. When I reach to take you of the car seat, you say "no" and watch my face with a smile, waiting for me to say "what? you don't want to come out of the car?" Then you say "yeah!"

You are getting better and better using the potty. In fact, if we are more insistent about it, I think you can be fully potty trained in a few weeks, but then this would be a problem at daycare, since potty is not available for your age.

Our special time -
When I pick you up from daycare, until papa and Zoe join us, we spend a little time just you and me, bonding. This happens either at daycare, during pick up or as soon as we come home. First you want to nurse, and then just stay on my lap, all snuggled up, doing nothing. I ask if you are hungry, you say "yea," but when I make a move to get up, you change your mind, realizing that this would bring an end to our snuggle party. So I stay, holding you in my arms and chatting. Then Zoe and papa come, and the real party begins.

Sippy cup manners -
You stopped smashing your sippy cup on the ground when you are done drinking. Just like that - one day, about 3 weeks a go, once you were done drinking, you didn't throw your cup on the floor with your herculean force. You passed it to me, instead, pointing at the table, so I put it there for you. And that was it. Thank you.

Disneyland -
We took you girls to Disneyland, one of the last places on earth papa and I would want to go, because we love you, and seeing you happy makes us happy. Remember that :-). Zoe got to enjoy it a lot more than you did, of course. She already knew the princesses and the other characters, she was allowed on more rides than little ones like you, and best of all, she got a princess makeover! You need to be at least 3 for that. Before we went, I made sure to buy a princess dress with matching shoes and bag for you to bring along. I also brought some stick-on body jewels. The day Zoe was scheduled for a makeover, I dressed you like Princess Ariel, so you don't feel left out. I picked Ariel, because that was the cutest one at the consignment store. I love you, but I rather not pay full price for a dress you'll wear once:-). After the makeover, we took pictures of you girls in different locations in the park. When Zoe posed for a picture, you followed her to the same spot, and posed as well. When we said "Echo don't move," you froze, and let us take your picture.

Dancing -
You love dancing. At daycare during dance class, or at home, when there is music, you get up, lift your arms, and spin in a dance move. You are so very cute. Teacher Hannah sometimes sends me videos of you.

Daycare -
Your teachers love you. They always tell me what a sweet, loving baby you are. Your teacher Isabella moved to another class, and she was sad to leave you behind. You still see her in the playground, and she tells me that you sill go to her for hugs sometimes. Once a ta restaurant you saw a waitress that looked like her - light brown hair, fair skin, similar built, tattoos, and you lifted your arms for a hug. I'm pretty sure you thought it was Isabella. Isabella babysat you a few times the daycare was closed. I'll ask her to come again some time.

Tablet -
We knew this day would come. When you see a tablet around, your face lights up as if you found a treasure. You love playing games and pressing apps. You dropped the IPad and broke the screen. Zoe cried, of course. We found a repair shop that fixed it the same day, and put a bumper around it. She was very happy. First Zoe took my IPad. Eventually we bought me another tablet - a much crappier one which you want for yourself when Zoe has the IPad. Sooner or later, we'll need to get you your own IPad, but I;m hoping we can wait another year or so.


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