Wednesday, August 3, 2016

My Little Pony and other cool stories

Your sister Zoe decided it was time to introduce you to My Little Ponies. She put the show on the tablet, and the two of you started watching, and watching, and watching. Not only that you were hooked, but her interest in the show reawakened. Next day when I came back from a run, I found the two of you watching the show on the TV screen.

The shows fueled your interest in My Little Pony toys, which Zoe already had a few, and the good sister that she is, she passed them on to you. You noticed Applejack was not in the collection. Zoe wasn't a fan of Applejack, and it turned out that you are. I needed to go to Target anyway, so I offered to bring you along, to get you one. You got excited, "Buy Applejack!" you said. On the way to target, we went over our shopping list multiple times. "Hairbrush, hair color, diapers, buy Applejack!" When we got to target, you repeated "Buy Applejack." We browsed through our options. Of course you wanted them all, but soon understood that you needed to make choices, so you told me to put some of them back on the shelf. You picked one good sized Applejack stuffy, and one little hard pony. "2 Applejacks?," I asked. "Don't you want one of them to be Pinky Pie or Rarity?" The two other ponies that were missing from your collections. "No. Applejack," you said. Later that day papa had to go to Fred Mayer, and he came back with the other 2 little ponies. Your collection was complete. We made a little living space for them with food and water.

You were sick, so at bed time, I took you to bed with me, as I always do when you girls are sick. You broke fever and got all sweaty at night, so I changed you into my T-shirt, not to go all the way down to your closet. You were so amused to find yourself in my shirt when you wake up, you want to wear it to bed every time you see it.

I picked you up from school on the bicycle earlier this week. We were in a lot of hurry, because I had a time sensitive surprise planned for you two. It's a tough route, with lots of hills and lots of cars. I was pushing myself, pedaling as hard as I could, to the sweet sound of your unexpected cheers "You Can Do It! You Can Do It!"

Zoe is a very loving girls, and we often hear her say "I love you mommy." Last week you came to the kitchen while I was preparing dinner. You looked at me, and quietly said "I love you mommy." I don't know if you meant it, or were you just repeating because you heard Zoe say it. Either way, you knew it was something special that makes mommy super happy to hear.

"My Mommy!" you say, mouthful. "My Echo!" I say heartful.

I love you, my Echo.

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