Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Do you have boobs?

My Little Echo,

I wonder if you still remember the times you used to nurse...

It was bed time. You, me and Zoe were cuddling in the bunk bed.

"Do you have boobs?" you asked.
"Yes, I do," I said.
"Do you have milk in them?" you asked.
"Not anymore, but I used to," I responded.
"I drank it all!!!" you declared.

You've been occasionally asking if you could drink milk from me, even though you know I don't have milk anymore. I think you are curious about the response I give, or the conversation the question triggers.

Papa's birthday weekend:
Since our trip to Hawaii, you've been asking to swim in a bubble pool. I really wanted you to experience that again. And Zoe has been asking to go to a fancy hotel, like the one we went for Valentine's day. So on and off, I've been searching for a nice place we could spend a family weekend. Having a hot tub as a requirement limited the options, also factoring availability, cost, distance, a luxurious look, per Zoe. Not many hotels have pools or hot tubs in the area.

Papa's birthday was just the occasion to renew my search. After endless website visits and phone calls, I found a resort, only 30 minutes away that had a hot tub, and ice cream and chocolate malt balls all day! First I booked 1 night, then with papa's encouragement, I switched it to 2 nights. I packed nice clothes for you both, and birthday decorations to keep you busy decorating the room. I was also looking forward to the on-site gym.

It rained a lot, so we didn't get to enjoy the outside space much, with the ponds, the fish and the lily pads. You girls loved the hot tub, the hotel room, and the overall space. Every time we left the room, on the way out, papa would make a stop at the relaxation area and give you each chocolates, from the continuously filled jars. You both made herbal bath salt mixes at the hotel spa which you used with pleasure in the bath tub. We gave you long baths every day, with bubbles, salts and herbs - spa bath Zoe calls them. The bath tub was large and comfortable. Papa joined you first day. Second day I washed you girls alone, and the 3rd day, I got in the tub with you, because I know how much you love taking baths with me. You both washed me with soaps and scrubs, and we were all so clean and smelled nice. You focused on my hair and my boobs. Mama gets no privacy.

In retrospect it was a fun weekend. But it was also very tiring to keep you both entertained, and make it a special experience for you. I didn't bring your sippy cups from home, counting on your superb fine motor skills to handle liquids in regular cups. But old habits die slow - you treated the cups as spill proof sippies, and ended up spilling everything you drank. All added a level of anxiety and required cleanup. In one such occasion you spilled the sweet sticky apple cider all over the couch outside the restaurant. By that time, I had enough of spilage, and sent you angrily away, to sit on the steps until you finish your drink, and I finish cleaning. Zoe has a very soft heart for you, and cannot handle the thought of you being sad. So she sat with you and consoled you. During this trip you also hit Zoe a few times for no reason, although we asked you to stop, until we had to give you time out, which broke Zoe's heart again, and just wanted a hug from you to make up for your deed, instead of punishment. I think overall, being away from home, although was fun for you, was also tiring and confusing, which made you more difficult to handle, especially at meal times.

By the end of the trip I was beat, and ready to be back at home. I told dad that we should take a break from family vacations until winter. At home you mentioned the bubble pool and asked to swim in it again. Your wishes become missions I want accomplish, because nothing is more meaningful than seeing your smile. So now, I'm starting to change my mind about not going anywhere for a while.



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