My love Echo!
I'm finally coming around to write about one of your biggest events of the year.
You had tonsils and adenoid surgery in the last week of August. You are now sleeping deeply and quietly throughout the night. And with the tonsils and adenoids gone, you are unstoppable throughout the day.
Since you were a baby, your breathing has never been smooth. Nights were consistently restless and noisy with light but continuous snoring sound. There was rarely a night that you wouldn't wake up, climb up the steps to snuggle with us, and continue to wake up multiple times. Mornings were tough, as you woke up tired, and during the day, you didn't display the level of energy I'd see in other kids. You ate so little too. you were prone to sinus infections more than what we were used to from Zoe. You'd make a weird popping noise with your nose and say "I'm popping my nose."
When you were three years old, things got worse. You started snoring louder and having sleep apnea, suddenly waking up, unable to breath. We started taking you more frequently to our bed because I was worried you'd stop breathing. I kept listening to your breath at night. I do love cuddling with you, so now I had an excuse:-). When the first ENT doctor said that you need surgery, we sought counsel with another one, in case a surgery could be avoided. The second doctor tried a couple of different antibiotics that seemed to make a small difference at first, but things went back right back to the way they were soon after each course. We knew surgery was needed, but were worried about the risks. Eventually I talked myself, and then dad into the necessity of the surgery and scheduled the procedure. We explained to you what was going to happen, making sure to emphasize the change the surgery will bring in your breathing quality, and the ice creams and Popsicles you will eat as part of your recovery. Zoe joined in in emphasizing the positive, politely asking whether she'd get a share of the ice creams too. Of course she would! You were apprehensive about the surgery, but it was clear to us that you understood the need. When people asked you about it, you told them that they were going to remove the thing in your nose, and make you breath better.
I made arrangements to work from home the whole week of your surgery. I asked you what flavors of ice cream you wanted, and I filled the freezer with a large variety. I also bought a few new toys, to keep you entertained during your recovery. I called the doctor's office a couple of times to see if they would let us in the surgery room with you. They wouldn't. I asked if they would at least anasthesize you while we are still together. They wouldn't. I kept picturing you laying on a stretcher, them, reeling you away while you are crying for me, which mad me cry too.
We had to be at the surgery center around 6am, so we arranged a sleepover for Zoe, the night before. In the morning, you, me, papa, and the little pink turtle stuffy drove to the surgery center. The medical staff was fantastic in their ability to anticipate parental concerns and emotional triggers. They didn't put you on a stretcher or changed your clothes. they gave you your mask and a box of stickers to decorate it the way you like. Then a friendly nurse held your hand and ask to go skipping with you to the surgery room. Papa and i watched you two skip away laughing and chatting. When they called us back in, you were snuggling in the arms of the friendly nurse on a comfy chair. I was so relieved to see that you were in good and caring hands. But now it was my turn to hold you and cover you with love.
The first night you slept in complete silence. Your recovery was fairly manageable. You had moments of pain and discomfort. You barely ate the ice creams, and opted for a few popsicles and apple juice boxes instead. You ate very little that week. When you recovered, you started eating a little better than before, and sleeping seamlessly and quietly night after night. Your energy level skyrocketed, as if you swallowed a bouncy ball on super power batteries. And this is our new Echo. Sweet, adorable mega smiley as always, and now with super energy.
I love you so so much.
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