Monday, January 25, 2016

Your Bio

My dear baby Echo,

Your daycare asked us to send a bio which includes a paragraph about your family, a paragraph about you and a paragraph about our wishes for you. Here is what I came up with:

Echo lives in a little house near Green Lake with her mom Maya, dad Marco, and her older sister Zoe. Dad is an electrical engineer, and spends his days studying customers’ problems and needs with respect to non-volatile memory, and explaining to his gang of engineers how to solve those problems. Mom, with two feet on the ground and head in the cloud, tells people how a particular cloud service helps them grow their business. Zoe, the big sister, is 5 years old, and is in kindergarten. She loves art, and asks the best questions about the universe. She is sensitive, and like a coin, her sensitivity has two sides. Although jealous of the attention little Echo gets, she treats her little sister with great care and love.

Echo is a naturally happy baby. She maintains her beaming smile even when parents are upset at something she has done. She loves playing with dolls and balls. She has a blast at her weekly soccer game, and takes care of dolls as if they were real babies. She is very independent, and mechanically inclined. She insists on using the toilet instead of the potty, on dressing herself, disassembling and re-assembling objects, on wearing backpacks and heading out into the world. At dinner, she asks for a fork. While not as verbally agile as her sister was, Echo is quickly building up a vocabulary. She rarely cries, sleeps little, and wants to be held by mom very often.  She looks up to her sister, and is often found in Zoe’s room, playing with Zoe’s toys.

My wishes for her are to maintain her innate happiness, reach her potential (whatever it may be), be very close to her sister, and to be healthy.

My special baby. I love you!


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