My lovely little baby,
When we drive home from daycare, I hear
your little voice at the back seat: "Echo? Echo?" I turn around, and
I see your hands covering your face, as your way of inviting me to a game of
hide-and-seek. I start playing along, looking for you under the seats, and the
flip mirrors. I panic: Did I leave Echo at school? What am I going to tell Zoe
and papa? Where is Echo? Oh no! Where is Echo??? Echooo! Echo? Where are you?
Your giggles bubble. You try to keep your hands on your face, but you peek
through, to follow my search motions. At some point you lift your hand, and I’m
super happy to have found you. “More more” you say, tapping your fingertips
together, and so we go again.
It’s nearly impossible to have a free hand to prepare meals or
start a load of laundry. From the moment I pick you up from daycare, you want
to be held by mama, and cry if I let you down. I summon papa or Zoe for help,
to entertain you just for a few minutes, so I can put dinner together. But
sometimes you take off on your own. We quietly sneak up on you, and watch you
put together a tea party, using the tea set in Zoe’s room, or a meal, using the
toy plates, bowls, and play food. You bring me a plate you prepared, to eat. Or
we find you in your room, changing the diapers of your dolls, sitting them on
the potty, wiping their butts, putting butt paste, and trying to put a diaper
You love receiving new things. Shoes are your favorite. You put
them on immediately. If it’s Zoe who received new shoes, you make sure she wears
them right away. You take the shoe, take her foot, and put them together.
This morning we skyped with Dede for his birthday. I pointed at
him and said “dede” “dede.” You said “dede.” One more new word is added to your
growing lexicon.
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